Recommended Reading
Every week we recommend a book focused on a particular area of confidence or career. Pick up the latest one here and check out the list below for previous recommendations!
This Week
Working Identity
Reading Archives
Social Media 101 – what platform do I choose?
Influential Woman – Tackling Inequality
Always time for a coffee – a down to earth guide for frontline managers
Leadership is a relationship- putting people first in a digital world
How to lead people effectively
Career Change: Stop Hating Your Job
Creating Your Circle of Mentors
A Few Wise Words: Stories of success and inspirational advice from 22 extraordinary individuals
How to prevent overworking: why you feel burned out and how to fix it
Get a life: creating a successful work-life balance
The Purpose Myth: Change The World Not your Job
Range: How Generalists triumph in a specialised world
Emotional Intelligence – Why it can matter more than IQ
Hold Successful Meetings
Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand
The Simplicity Principle: Six Steps Towards Clarity in a Complex World
Understanding Personality Types
The Adventures of Women in Tech: How we got here and why we stay
Authentic, how to be yourself and why it matters
How to win friends and influence people
Make Yourself A Little Bit Famous
The Secret Thoughts of successful women