
Every week we recommend a TedTalk focused on a particular area of confidence or career. Pick up the latest one here and check out the list below for previous recommendations! 

This Week:
How to build your confidence and spark it in others


TedTalks Archives

How to break bad management habits

Compassion and the true meaning of empathy

What it takes to be a great leader

How to find work you love

How to make work life balance – work

To overcome challenges – stop comparing yourself to others

How too many rules at work stop you getting things done

How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work

Essential questions to ask your future self

How to know if it’s time to change career

How to save the world (or at least yourself) from bad meetings

Why aren’t we more compassionate?

On being wrong – we’d do anything to avoid it, but what if we’re wrong about that? 

Instagram and the rise of bite sized content

How to build your powerful personal brand

Making Sure People and Ideas Thrive

The Power Of Social Media

A Simple Trick To Improve Positive Thinking

The cost of workplace stress and how to reduce it

How do personality tests work?

Why the secret to success is setting the right goals

How to truly listen

How to boost your productivity

Why incompetent people think they’re amazing

Things we can learn from how women leaders have handled the pandemic

Talks from brilliant women in STEM

change careers

5 ways to create stronger connections

Turning everyday events into transformative gatherings

TED’s secret to great public speaking

Why social media is reimagining our future

3 habits of resilient people

How you can use imposter syndrome to your benefit

Women: you are the roots of change

Keeping focused under pressure

Why you should bring  your whole self to work

Uncovering your passion